Certified Six Sigma Blackbelt in Quality.
Dean-Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,
Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation-Deemed to be University
Head Transformation-VIMS Hospitals
This is a short Glimpse into my Life
I hail from the beautiful temple city of Kanchipuram in India.I come from a very humble background,did my schooling in a government school with minimal facilities but never brooded over the not haves.With high motivation to achieve success in life ,had focussed my childhood on studies and strived hard to get a seat into one of the best Dental colleges in India.I developed an inclination towards clinical as well as teaching even during my college days which made me start my career as a Lecturer alongside my clinical practice of Dentistry.
I overcame career adversity at an early age by finding my own path and true passion which has brought me to the place I’m in today. I identified Healthcare Operations, Quality Management , Medical Administration and Academic Leadership as my strengths quite early in my career and I keep strengthening them at every possible opportunity to keep climbing up the career leader.
My family is my biggest strength and I thank God for my loving and caring Wife Dr.T.Priyamathi,BDS,MPH and my most precious gift my daughter Nethra.
All my success and achievements are dedicated to my ever encouraging parents, supportive siblings, in laws and my wife .
Smart Work,Perseverance and Sincere efforts are the keys to continuous success.
I Believe and therefore I am.

Organisational Experience
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation-Deemed to be University, Salem
Nov 2008 to Till date
Roles and Responsibilities as Dean & Director-FAHS
- Administering nearly 20 Post graduate and Undergraduate courses in Allied Health Sciences at 3 Medical Colleges present at Salem,Pudhucherry & Karaikal
- Guideship and Research Supervisor for PhD scholars in Allied Health Sciences
- Ensured Diploma in Family Medicine & Diploma in Emergency Medicine courses are accredited with Royal College of General Practioners, UK
- Merit of collaborating MBA Hospital & Health systems Management with Tulane’s University, USA
- Spearheaded postgraduate courses in Nursing & Hospital Based courses like Front office, Housekeeping etc.
Vinayaka Missions Groups
Board Member
March 2009 to Till date
Roles and Responsibilities
- Chairman,Board of Studies,Allied Health Sciences,Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation,Salem
- Executive Member in Purchase committee of the Hospital
- Executive Member in NABH accreditation process in the Hospital and for the Quality Control board of the Hospital
- Secretary for the Hospital Infection Control Committee
- Chief Executive Member In Hospital Ethical Committee
- Chief Executive in International affairs of the Vinayaka Mission’s and working out for the Collaboration with Harvard University
VIMS Hospital,Salem
Head Transformation
Nov 2008 Till Date
Roles and Responsibilities
- Participated in decision making, policy formulation, and generating ideas to improve the financial growth of the hospital (Budgeting, Cost Accounting,P & L a/c)
- Carried out periodic analysis of profitable of operations and devising plans to reduce costs
- Conducted the monthly periodical review meetings of managers to review performance of previous month, targets for the current month and devising plans for improving performance
- Organized CME programs, to provide inputs to doctors on improvements in current equipments, new process, new medication etc.
- Handled functions pertaining to Supply chain, Patient Care Services, Engineering Services, Support Services (Housekeeping, food services, security, admin etc), Quality Management, Medical Records and Information Technology
- Worked closely with the Marketing Department to ensure smooth working of corporate relations [ECHS, ESI, CMCHISTN, and PRIVATE INSURANCE] and facilitating relevant sales operations pertaining to the designated territory
- Instrumental in achieving NABH Accreditation
- Accountable for documenting process and protocols and imparting training of the staff to attain patient satisfaction
- Collaborated with Quality Manager to implement programs that deliver the best quality service and working for NABH Accreditation Process in the hospital
- Functioned as a NABH Internal Assessor and imparted trainings on quality systems and ascertaining training needs of his subordinates and department personnel.
- Ensured highest level of performance in quality of service, profitability, efficiency and customer satisfaction
SriNe Medical Foundation, Kanchipuram
Jan 2015 to Till date
Roles and Responsibilities
- Overseeing the overall operational and quality standards of Medical Assistance and Specialty Services[Medical/Non Medical]
- Participating in administrative decision making and recommends and approves policies and procedures.
- Organizes and coordinates physician services and services provided by other professionals as they relate to patient care.
- Participating in the process to ensure the appropriateness and quality of medical care and medically related care
- Participating in the surveillance and promotion in the health safety, and welfare of employees and helps articulate the long-term care facility’s mission to the community.
- Participating in establishing policies and procedures for assuring that the rights of individuals (resident, staff members, and community members) are respected.
- Acquires, maintains, and applies knowledge of social, regulatory, political, and economic factors that relate to patient care services and support and promote person-directed care.
- Participating in decision making, policy formulation, and generating ideas to improve the financial growth of the hospital (Budgeting, Cost Accounting P & L a/c)
E-Learning Division, Medvarsity Online Ltd., Apollo Hospitals Group
Manager –Operations & Deputy Director-Academic
Growth Path:
Roles and Responsibilities
- Marketing the E-learning Project (Digital library) for various Educational Institutions like Implementation, Financial Issues etc.
- Periodically maintaining liaison between the top officials of institutions and the top officials, Head office at Apollo hospitals, Hyderabad by online regarding about the work and needs of the center academically so that both are exposed to up to date information about the financial issues & about the updation of the Learning Centers
- Coordinated with Govt.Top officials for the implementation of digital library in Govt. Medical Colleges.
- Day to day administration of the Learning centers across India
- Supervision of Medvarsity Learning Centers at various places like day-to-day activities & get the reports from Center Coordinators.
- Maintenance and updating of the Server, which houses the Medical intranet contents.
- Exposing the faculty and students to the application of IT in Medicine and teaching them Basic Computers.
Private Practice, Kanchipuram
Dental Surgeon
Roles and Responsibilities
- Impaction,Trans Alveolar Extraction
- Alveolaplasty, Incisions and Drainage for Abscess.
- Fracture of Mandible – Management, Cyst Enucleating
- Doing Multi-practice Dentistry like Periodontal surgeries, Endodontic procedures, Scaling, Root Planning etc.
Ragas Dental College and Hospital, Department of Periodontics & Community Dentistry, Chennai
Lecturer /Camp Coordinator
Roles and Responsibilities
- Lecturing to UG and PG students of dentistry
- Clinical training for II and III year dentistry students
- Organising and conducting dental screening camps

- D.Sc in Healthcare ,International Peace University,Germany
- D.LITT(Doctorate of Letters)-Health Sciences-International Economic University for SAARC Countries,Maldives-2019
- Ph.D In Hospital & Health Systems Management,WCT,London 2015-2018
- MBA in Hospital Management ,Himalayan University,2014-2016
- Ph.D in Health Sciences,Calorx Teachers University,2012-2015
- MPH-Master of Public Health ,Calorx Teacher”s University,Ahmedabad,2010-2012
- M.Phil Hospital & Health Systems Management,Birla Institute of Technology, BITS,Pilani 2007-2009
- BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) from Ragas Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, The Tamilnadu Dr M.G.R Medical University, Chennai 1994- 1999

Certificate Courses
- MyNEP Ambassador for the valuable contribution towards promoting the National Educational policy September 2020
- COVID 19: Tackling the novel corona virus, Course Organized by London School of Hygiene &Tropical Medicine & UK Public Health Rapid Support
- Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator Program, Microsoft
- Creating Apps in the classroom, Course organized by Queensland University of Technology
- Data Analytics for decision making: An Introduction to using Excel course organized by Bond University.
- COVID-19 Psychological First AID course organized by Public Health England.
- Decision Making: How to choose the Right problem to solve, Course Organized by University of Leeds and Institute of coding
- Introduction to Psychology: Sensation and Perception, Course Organized by Monash University
- Introduction to Psychology: The Psychology of Personality, Course Organized by Monash University
- Introduction to Psychology: Developmental Psychology, Course Organized by Monash University
- COVID-19 Global Health Perspectives Course Organized by The University of Melbourne and the Nossal Institute for Global Health
- Online training on Workplace Assessment for Safety and Hygiene Standard,ZED Division,Quality Council of India
- Getting Started with OneNote,Microsoft
- Level up with Office 365 and Windows, Microsoft
- Engage and Amplify with Flipgrid, Microsoft
- OneNote Staff Notebook: Tools for staff Collaboration, Microsoft
- OneNote Class Notebook: A teacher's all-in one notebook for students, Microsoft
- Microsoft in Education-Getting started with Office 365 and Windows for leadership, Microsoft
- Getting started with Office 365 and Windows, Microsoft
- Digital storytelling with Microsoft Sway, Microsoft
- Microsoft Forms: Creating Authentic Assessments, Microsoft
- Crafting a collaborative learning environment with Class Teams, Microsoft
- Supporting learning initiatives with Staff Teams, Microsoft
- Transform Learning with Microsoft Teams, Microsoft
- Windows 10 for Education, Microsoft
- Office 365, from teacher to student(presenter-led training), Microsoft
- Office 365, from teacher to teacher(presenter-led training), Microsoft
- The keys to Office 365 (presenter-led training), Microsoft
- How to Infuse Computational Thinking in your Teaching with Maker Challenges, Microsoft
- Computational Thinking and its importance in education, Microsoft
- Engaging 21st Century Learners: Leveraging Squigl to Improve Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes, Microsoft
- 21st Century Learning Design -embedding 21CLD in practice, Microsoft
- 21st century learning design- use of ICT for learning, Microsoft
- 21st century learning design- real world problem-solving and innovation, Microsoft
- 21st century learning design –self regulation, Microsoft
- 21st century learning design - knowledge construction, Microsoft
- 21st century learning design – skilled communication, Microsoft
- 21st century learning design –collaboration, Microsoft
- 21st century learning design-introducing 21CLD, Microsoft
- How to Teach Online: Providing Continuity for Students,Future Learn,Open University, London
- Future Proofing the Health Workforce,Griffith University,Australia
- Managing Mental Health and Stress,Coventry University,UK
- Communication and Interpersonal Skills at work,University of Leeds and Institute of Coding,UK
- Big Data Analytics: opportunities, Challenges and the future,Griffith University,Australia
- Competitive advantages: Using Information to build Business Success,Deakin University,Australia
- Digital Skills: Artificial Intelligence,Accenture,United States
- Transforming Digital Learning: Learning Design Meets Service Design,Deakin University,Australia
- Healthy Futures: How can we create the Effective Healthcare System,Murdoch University,Australia
- How to create great Online Content,University of Leeds and Institute of coding,UK
- COVID 19: Tackling the novel corona virus,London School of Hygiene &Tropical Medicine & UK Public Health Rapid Support,UK
- Health System Strengthening.The University of Melbourne, The Nossal Institute for global Health and UNICEF,Australia
- Introduction to Psychology: Biological Psychology,Monash University,Australia
- Introduction to Psychology: The History &Science of Psychology,Monash University,Australia
Certificate Courses done during COVID-19 Lock down-Microsoft/UK/Australia

- Online Workshop on Social Entrepreneurship, Swachhta & Rural Engagement Cell Action Plan by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Department of Higher Education, Government of India on 6th September 2020
- Online Workshop on Prior art searching with google patents by Turnip Innovations Pvt. Ltd on 5th September 2020
- Online National Workshop on Skill Building: Creating & Empowering Leading of Tomorrow by Kannada Sangh Pune’s Kaveri College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Pune from 28th August to 4th September 2020
- Three days online National Workshop on Enabling Self-Reliant Economy Through Techno-Social Innovation in A Perspective of Post COVID-19 Rural India organized by UBA cell of MCT’s Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai from 25th -27th June 2020
- Comprehensive e-Learning to e-Training guide for Administrative Work, May 25 - June 05, 2020,University of Delhi sponsored by MHRD.
- One day workshop on Sensitization of NAAC Health Sciences Manual,June 2019,VMRF-DU,Salem
- Best Practices in Hospital Logistics, Inventory & Stores Management by AIIMS, NewDelhi, India
- Communication Skills in Healthcare –Train the Master Trainer by NABH,CAHO & Baptist hospital,July 2013.
- Interactive Workshops on Continual Quality Improvement:Tools and Techniques,August 2012,Delhi,organized by NABH,QCI.
- NABH Workshop on Legal Compliance ,August 2012,Chennai organized by NABH,QCI.
- NABH Workshop on Management of Medication and Patient Safety ,July 2012,Chennai organized by NABH,QCI.
- NABH Workshop on Clinical Audit ,December 2011,Chennai organized by NABH,QCI.

Faculty Development Programs
- Online Faculty Development Program on ICT enabled Teaching and Learning by Ministry of Human Resource Development,Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching ,Teaching Learning Centre, University of Delhi between September 7-13,2020.
- Online Faculty Development Program on Gendered Contours of the Pandemic :Reinvented Public Policy and Leaderdhip Transformation by University of Delhi between August 24-Sep 6,2020
- Two Weeks International Online Faculty Development Program on Digital Initiatives for Higher Education organized by SWAYAM-NPTEL Local Chapter, G.Venkataswamy Naidu College, Kovilpatti from 4th to 17 June 2020
- One Week Faculty Development Program on Insights into Quality Research and Innovation Organized Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women from 13th May to 20th May 2020.
- Faculty Development Program on Online Course Planning & Design – Best Practices for Online Teaching by North Storm Academy on 13th & 14th May 2020
- Faculty Development Program on Tips for clearing Patent Agent Examination organized by Velammal Engineering College on 6th & 7th May 2020
- Online Faculty Development Program on FOSS Organized by Venkataswamy Naidu College & IIT Bombay from 30th April to 4th May 2020

Paper Publications
- Dr.B.Sendilkumar, “The Effectiveness of Mobile Medical Vehicles in India ”, Infokara Research An UGC-Care Approved Group A Journal, Vol.09, No.10, October2020, pp.332-341, ISSN(Online):1021-9056
- Lead Editor (ER13M1) in Most Author’s for a Single Book for COVID-19 and its Impact by Indian Book and Asian Book of Records
- Arivuchudar R,Tamilchudar R,Sendilkumar B,’Multifaceted Impacts of Pandemics on the Society”.International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences.31 July 2020.2020,11(SPL)(1),411-415
- SilambarasanTamilselvan , Sendilkumar Balasundaram, Balasubramanian Velramar, Kanimozhi Sivamani, Dhandapani Ramamurthy, “Pilot Scale Wastewater treatment, CO2 Sequestration and lipid production using microalga Neochloris aquatic RDSO2”,International Journal of Phytoremediation, 02 July 2020,ISSN:1552-6514.1549-7879[ONLINE].
- Tamilchudar R,Dr B Sendilkumar,Ms Shivapriya R.”Prevalence of Keratoconus in a Hospital based Population”Journal of Xidian University,ISSN No:1001:2400.Volume 14,Issue 6,2020
- B.Sendilkumar, “Accreditation and Its Impact OnHealth Care Delivery System ”, Infokara Research An UGC-Care Approved Group A Journal, Vol.09, No.5, May 2020, pp.1-17, ISSN(Online):1021-9056
- B.Sendilkumar, “ Outsourcing in Hospital Management and its effects on Patients Satisfaction”, Infokara Research An UGC-Care Approved Group A Journal, Vol.09, No.1, January 2020, pp.129-149, ISSN(Online):1021-9056
- R.Tamilchudar, Dr.B.Sendilkumar, “ Awareness about Allied Health Science Courses among Higher Secondary School Students”, Infokara Research An UGC-Care Approved Group A Journal, Vol.08, No.11, November 2019, pp.2020-48, ISSN(Online):1021-9056
- R.S. Hermes, Dr.Santhi Silambanan, Dr.B.Sendil Kumar, “Association of Matrix metalloproteinases with Essential Hypertension- A Case Control Study”, Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research, Vol.07, No.10, October 2019, pp.35-40, ISSN(p):2455-0450.
- B.Sendilkumar, “ Using Mobile Technology for Public Health Education Program”, Infokara Research An UGC-Care Approved Group A Journal, Vol.08, No.8, August 2019, pp.775-778, ISSN(Online):1021-9056
- B.Sendilkumar, “A Study of Public Health Status in India”, International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Vol.11, No.07, July 2019, pp.46-53, ISSN (Online):0975-5462.
- B.Sendilkumar, “ Unavailability of Healthcare Services for Geriatrics and its Impact”, Infokara Research An UGC-Care Approved Group A Journal, Vol.08, No.3, March 2019, pp.76-86, ISSN(Online):1021-9056
- B.Sendilkumar, “Allied Health Professionals in Public Health”, International Journal of Innovative Research Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol.4, No.01, January 2015, pp.19147-155, ISSN (Online):2319-8753.
- B.Sendilkumar, K.V.Arun“Oral Health Status in East coastal areas of Chennai, Tamilnadu”,Journal of the Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry Vol 2002-2003.
- Sugandhi P, Kanimozhi S , .B Sendilkumar, “Exploration of Diabetic Foot infection”, Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Under Review IF - 2.23
- Sugandhi P Thandeeswaran M Gnanendra T S, Arvind Prasanth D , Sendil Kumar B, “Delineating drugs for the resistant genes through computational approaches”, The Journal of foot and Ankle Surgery, Under Review IF - 1.209

Article Publications
- NEP 2020-Highlights, digitallearning.eletsonline.com,August 2020
- View on Union budget on Education 2020,digitallearning.eletsonline.com,July 2020
- Educational Institutions must be future ready, digitallearning.eletsonline.com,March 2020
- Human Resource Professionals Role in Nurturing Employable Youth,Education Matters,July-August 2019.
- Review on Union budget 2019-20:Reactions from Education experts, digitallearning.eletsonline.com,July 2019

CME/Conferences Organized as Chair Person
- National Level e- Conference on Exploring Knowledge in Anaesthesia Technology – June 2020
- International E-Conference on Basic Medical Sciences- June 2020
- International E-Conference V-Opto 2020-Out of the Box - May 2020
- National Conference on Laboratory Medicine and Community Services in Medical Lab Technology - NCMLT 2020 on 24th January 2020.
- National Symposium for Health Sciences- A Multidisciplinary Approach-NSHS 2019 on 14th December 2019.
- International Conference on New Opportunities for Partnership between Radiology & Radiation Therapy – NPRR 2019 on 30th November 2019.
- One day conference on Advances in Anaesthesia Technology-2019 on 12th July 2019
- National Conference on Treatment Trends In Optometry, OPT-TREAT-19 on 25th March 2019
- Continuing Medical Education On Recent Development In Renal Dialysis Technology, RD² on 2nd March 2019
- A National level Seminar on Newer Techniques in Radiology and Imaging-NTRI 2018 on 24th November 2018
- Continuing Medical Education On Optometry-V OPTO Foresight-18 on 28th March 2018

Participation as Guest Speaker, Panelist
- Panelist on the topic “Challenges and Solutions for digital education during and post COVID-19”at the International Education Industry Problems & Solutions after COVID-19 and the Prospects for 2021 webinar organized by EUROASIA WORKSHOP and YEDAB on September 2020.
- Panelist on the topic “Professionals and Future of Healthcare” organized by ICHA on March 2020
- Panelist for the topic “Internationalization of Indian Education” at “EURIE EURASIA HIGHER EDUCATION SUMMIT”held on 19-21 February,2020.
- Guest Speaker on “Role and importance of EMS Personnel”at SEPICON-2020 organized by society of Emergency Paramedics of India on 7th and 8th February, 2020 at Hyderabad
- Pnelist for “Smart and connected care:The future of healthcare in India” organized by Healthcare Radius Magazine and ITP Media group on December 2019.
- “Next generation of Medical Imaging Techniques in Healthcare System”, NCISRT-2019, SMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur on 12th & 13th October 2019
- “Internationalization of Indian Education” ,EAIE- 31st Annual Conference in Helsinki Finland from 24th-27th September 2019.
- “Exemplary Contributors of Education Sector”, 14th World Education Submit- 2019, Elets Technomedia on 9th & 10th August 2019.
- “Unveil the Industry view about Future Skill Sets and Technology Requirements”, Discovery Education Media, Industry- Academia Conclave in Coimbatore on 31st July 2019
- “Supporting Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Higher Education”, EdTech Review, Higher Education Technology Conference in Chennai on 18th July 2019.
- “How education collaboration between India –UAE can be leveraged for innovation, incubation and entrepreneurship” in Dialogue India Academia Conclave in collaboration with various industrial and business forums of India and UAE organized the “5th Dialogue India Academic Conclave 2019 on the topic “Global perspective of Indian and UAE Higher Education Institutions” at The Hotel Taj, Dubai on 2nd May 2019.Around 30 top universities had participated in the event
- “Perceptive of Future Education” in EdTech Review Summit 2019 at Bangalore on 14th & 15th February 2019.
- “Innovation and Entrepreneurship for fostering growth in Higher Education” in 13th World Education Submit- 2018, Elets Technomedia on 7th & 8th December 2018.
- Guest speaker on “Skills at Health care at National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)-An Overview” at ICHA Convention for Patient Safety in November 2009.

- “Assessment of Oral Health Status in East coastal areas of Chennai, Tamilnadu”
- “A Comparative about Incidence of Dental caries in school going children between rural and coastal areas”.
- Study about “Waste Management in Healthcare Facilities of the VM Hospital, Salem”